About the Greater Lynn Bar Association
The Greater Lynn Bar Association, formerly known as the Lynn Bar Association, was established in the year 1890 and is one of the oldest local bar associations in the United States.
The purposes of the Greater Lynn Bar Association, as stated in Article II of our Constitution and By-Laws, are “to further the cause of justice; to sustain and improve the law and its administration; to ensure conformity to a high standard of professional duty and to promote the professional and social interests of the Bar.”
Past distinguished members of the Greater Lynn Bar Association include the Honorable Joseph L. Tauro, Chief Justice of the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts and Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court; the Honorable Henry T. Lummus, Associate Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court; the Honorable James H. Sisk, Associate Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court and former President of the American Bar Association, Massachusetts Bar Association and Lynn Bar Association; and Attorney Guy Newhall, a nationally recognized authority in Probate and Fiduciary Law.
The Greater Lynn Bar Association is dedicated to facilitating the administration of law within the greater Lynn economic community. The Greater Lynn Bar Association encourages members to volunteer to conciliate small claims matters and landlord-tenant disputes at the Lynn District Court through the Essex County Bar Association Pro Bono conciliation program. Greater Lynn Bar Association members also visit Lynn public schools annually as part of the Lynn District Court Law Day curriculum.
The Greater Lynn Bar Association also highly values the continuing education of its members. To that end, the Greater Lynn Bar Association, in conjunction with the Essex County Bar Association, annually presents the John P. McGloin Memorial Lecture Series featuring distinguished guest speakers on a variety of legal topics.
Executive Board
Daniel F. Cahill, Esq.
Mary Ann Calnan, Esq.
Alexander J. Capano, Esq.
Mario C. Capano, Esq.
Anne Gugino Carrigan, Esq.
James J. Carrigan, Esq.
Lisa A. Carrigan, Esq.
Marc E. Chapdelaine, Esq.
Honorable Albert E. Conlon (ret.)
Christopher A. Cornetta, Esq.
Honorable Robert A. Cornetta (ret.)
Loring P. Fluke, Esq.
Carl D. Goodman, Esq.
Honorable Ina Howard-Hogan
Honorable James L. Lamothe
Lisa J. McGloin, Esq.
Michael J. Merriam, Esq.
Richard J. Mestone, Esq.
Webb F. Primason, Esq.
Paul J. Sahovey, Esq.
Pedro E. Saleme, Esq.
Joseph M. Sano, Esq.
David J. Vasapolli, Esq.
John J. Vasapolli, Esq.
Rick Vitali, Esq.
President — Mary Ann Calnan, Esq.
First Vice President — Lisa A. Carrigan, Esq.
Second Vice President — Lisa J. McGloin, Esq.
Treasurer — Webb F. Primason, Esq.
Secretary — A.J. Capano, Esq.